As mentioned on the Events pages, PorSFiS currently has two meetings a month - the business meeting on the second Saturday from 2:30pm to about 4pm (if there's a speaker or presentation, it can go longer) and the '' get-together that's usually towards the end of the month and varies as to location and time. Details on both types can be found on the Events pages as well other happenings of interest.

What's this page for, then, you ask? It's to explain (or at least attempt to explain) what goes on at these things.....

The business meeting is, well, a business meeting - officer reports, event planning, etc.

The 'alt.dots' are another matter... They're for kicking back, socialising, and just having fun. Sometimes it's an field trip to somewhere, sometimes it's a movie at someone's house or (gasp!) at a theatre, or it could be (in summer) a BBQ at a home or a city park.

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Oh, where did '' come from? Well, Grasshopper, way back in the mists of time, there was a listserve called 'porsfis' for the "serious stuff" and another called 'alt.porsfis' for the "fun stuff". Say no more?