The Pulsar
The Newsletter of The Portland Science Fiction Society
We're still working on getting all the old Pulsars scanned. So, for now, this is what we have.

Nota bene: Any information in any newsletter more than one year old should be considered out-dated and obsolete. If you see an 'antique' (and apparently defunct) group that interests you, feel free to join the PorSFiS elist (on the Contact page) and ask about it there. Maybe a new special-interest group will result!
1978 did not exist prior to May 1978 May June
July August September Oct/Nov combined December
1979 January February March April May June
July August September October November December
2003 January February March April May June
July August Sep/Oct combined November December
2004 January February March April May June
July August September October November December
2005 January February March April May June
July August September October November December