GPACG Photo Gallery Directory

Last Update: 6 Mar 2003

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pre-Medieval Europe - ce to 600ce - contains 1 image

Medieval Europe - 600ce to 1100ce - contains 16 images

Renaissance Europe - 1400ce to 1650ce - contains 21 images

the Age of Exploration - 1600ce to 1840ce - currently empty - sorry :-(

Victorian Europe/Americas - 1840ce to 1900ce - currently empty - sorry :-(

Modern World - 1900ce to 1950ce - contains 1 image

Fantasy and Science Fiction - contains 17 images

"Mundane" street wear - contains 4 images

Current Events - contains 3 images

All works in the above galleries made by GPACG members.

Visitors' Gallery - contains 6 images

All works in the Visitors' Gallery made by non-members.